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Quotes - Margaret Sanger wants to sterilize anyone dumber than her

This page contains a quote used by conspiracy theorists that has been further researched. For more information about our quotes database, please see the introduction.


[ Real _but_ one must remember how words have changed ]

"The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind." - Margaret Sanger, quoted in Charles Valenza. "Was Margaret Sanger a Racist?" Family Planning Perspectives, January-February 1985, page 44.

Quote Status: Real
Attributed to: Margaret Sanger
Category: Eugenics; Birth Control; Insane; Handicap
Submitted By: Edward L Winston

Actual Details

This quote is real, but it was in reference to what we'd call "mentally retarded" today. And even today we DO take steps to help prevent the mentally retarded from breeding. For example in some "homes" for individuals fitting the bill, they're taught to masturbate to keep them from having sex with each other, though this is mostly with individuals with Down's Syndrome and less debilitating retardation.


Primarily seen on anti-abortion web sites, black genocide conspiracy web sites, and various conspiracy sites, such as Jones Report.