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Quotes - Sir William Pitt said something was more powerful than his king

This page contains a quote used by conspiracy theorists that has been further researched. For more information about our quotes database, please see the introduction.


"There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself."

- Sir William Pitt, House of Lords 1770

Quote Status: Out of Context
Attributed to: Sir William Pitt
Category: Monarchy; Dictatorship; The Wizard
Submitted By: Edward L Winston

Actual Details

his one was kind of difficult to track down, but I finally did find it. The quote in full is "A long train of these practices has at length unwillingly convinced me that there is something behind the throne, greater than the throne itself." What William Pitt was talking about, was a scandal of sorts, how King George III was under too much influence from Lord Bute, and how it seemed as though the King didn't care about what the French were saying. The speech this quote came from was made in 1770, six years after the King had already stopped seeing Lord Bute, and Pitt knew this. The purpose of the statement was to imply the King was weak; it was nothing more than an insult.

[ Source: The Quarterly by Close, William - Published 1859 - Page 471 ]


Part III of Zeitgeist, The Movie