I am Clock, I am not the author of this article, I am simply reposting it as the authors blog went down.
Repeat, I am not Autistic Skeptic
Please enjoy,
By: Autistic Skeptic
2013 Corrections By: Clock
Here are some famous comments from deluded youtubers.
My friend I watched the Bin Laden 'confession' video. You don't even get to hear his original speech in Arabic. What you get is a translator 'translating' him. Its like putting a voice to a dummy, Osama could have been talking about ANYTHING at that time and they dubbed the translator's voice over since you can't hear the original Arabic that confession is worthless. BBC admits that CIA created Al Queda in their documentary here -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QGhY6oY3O0911 = inside job
How does a YouTube video prove anything??? Not that it's important.
"After 9/11 , the whole world went on paranoid alert . Therefore , anyone who pops their head up , is liable to get it shot off ! People in power , all secret societies , religious groups , banks and governments , are under constant scrutiny . Anyone who steps out of line or does anything suspicious , will be brought to justice and punished accordingly.
By the way , Operation Barbarossa failed because of the Russian Winter .
The Nazionists ARE preparing for the 3rd Reich . The New Jerusalem !"
Okay, You are Using a Non sequitr. Saying ."After 9/11 , the whole world went on paranoid alert . Therefore , anyone who pops their head up , is liable to get it shot off !" is like saying, After I tried to commit suicide, The family went on paranoid alert, Therefore, Anyone who makes fun of me is liable to get expelled!" Then you move on to another irrelevant point by saying 'People in power , all secret societies , religious groups , banks and governments , are under constant scrutiny . Anyone who steps out of line or does anything suspicious , will be brought to justice and punished accordingly ' Well, How come so many 'whistle-blowers' Are doing JUST THAT??? That part of the comment had nothing to do with my statement WHATSOEVER! Then, You throw in a THIRD irrelevant point:'The Nazionists ARE preparing for the 3rd Reich . The New Jerusalem !' 'Nazionism' had nothing to do with anything I stated. Throwing in a red herring will NOT work, My friend. Better luck next time. Why would you associate Nazis with Jews when they HATED eachother, Does not look logical to me.
This one goes.
[ctquote]LOL what did you do copy and paste that from your favorite propaganda site? good job!!! now remind me you wrote this to me in a few days when i actually have the time and actually give a fuck to respond to it.
from briefly looking over your post, i can already say this.
you make a hell of a lot of assumptions!!! (like usual) [/ctquote]
like i said remind me in a few days, and i will gladly clean this mess up and prove point for point why you are wrong, but right now i need to tend to my business.
[ctquote]Only people who want to believe this garbage do so. Youtube videos are not a form of research. They are cooked propaganda films. The only Sheeple are the believers of this FEMA conspiracy crap. It's all paranoid right wing anti United Nations propaganda from Neo Nazi groups created in the 70′s. There are many books about it. There have been authors like William Guy Carr and others who have been accused of fabricating grand conspiracy ideas throughout the last 30 years. It's all anti Zionist propaganda dealing with banking families being in control of everyone behind the curtain. Sure there are powerful people who control politics, the Kotch brothers are a prime example and the banking families have had their spots of influence and power but there is not a particular race of humans who are satanic hell bent on creating totalitarian world communism. The Illuminati is not in control of president Obama anymore than the royal families of Europe are reptilian shape shifters controlling us.
Ps these right wing conspiracy theory's are my favorite hobby. They are a fairytale created by paranoid delusional sociopaths.
A. Lack of meaningful access to the courts. I would have to say this is the #1 characteristic of a repressive society, as well as the top thing you can point to that proves we aren't there yet. Every single day, someone in America sues the government (whether federal or state). Every single day, somewhere in America, a court rules against the government and in favor of a private citizen. Government agencies are often enjoined from taking actions, or forced to pay damages, or otherwise compelled to take actions by independent courts at various levels. This would NEVER happen in a true police state. If you look at true police states such as Nazi Germany, USSR, North Korea, etc., you will see that their court systems are very weak and pathetic and don't do very much. By contrast, American courtrooms are full all the time, and I'm not just talking about criminal cases where the government prosecutes an individual citizen.
B. Repressive actions are routinely experienced by ordinary people in the normal course of their lives and are not out of the ordinary. I like to ask conspiracy theorists, how many people they personally know have been detailed without trial in America? How many people do they personally know who have been prosecuted under the PATRIOT Act? How many people do they personally know who have been executed or forcibly relocated? In a true police state you wouldn't read about repression and persecution on the Internet. It would happen to you, to your husband or wife, to your kids, to your friends. You could rattle off the names of people personally known to you who have been personally harmed by the government (and not just traffic tickets or TSA searches). Read the accounts of anyone who lived in Nazi Germany or the USSR and you will instantly see that the repressive presence was everywhere all the time. If you don't personally know someone who has been detained without trial, you don't live in a police state.
C. People want to stop you from leaving the country. This is another question I like to ask conspiracy theorists-how many people are desperately trying to flee the United States, and how much trouble are they encountering in doing it? Answer: virtually no one, and not very much. A characteristic of police states is that people want to get out and they'll do anything to accomplish it. That was why the Berlin Wall got built, but it didn't help much-people were willing to cross barbed wire under machine guns to get out of East Berlin. Conversely, unless you're a fugitive from justice, no one will care if you want to leave the US. In a true police state, ordinary people would have a very hard time leaving the country. This is simply not true of the US. You can walk across the border at El Paso or San Ysidro into Mexico and literally not a single officer will stop you. This would absolutely not happen in a police state.
D. No free media. Conspiracy theorists have no idea what media repression really is. The fact that Alex Jones and his fans can say whatever the hell they want, whenever they want, proves we don't live in a police state. If we did, you'd have to take extreme measures just to find a website that isn't government run. SOPA, PIPA and the other Internet acts that were recently proposed (and NOT passed, I might add!) would not have even come close to creating the type of media censorship that you would see in a real police state. In a real police state, there would be like 2 or 3 channels on TV and it would be illegal to access more. Not only would the web be behind a central firewall, but probably individual computers would have to be licensed by the government. (In the USSR and Soviet bloc, typewriters had to be licensed by the government, so the secret police could trace the source of subversive literature. It's much easier to license and trace a computer than it is a typewriter).
E. Major shortages of consumer goods. This sounds trivial but it's not. When was the last time you went to the store and had a hard time buying meat? When was the last time you had to stand in line for a specific consumer good, like shoes or toilet paper? Is there a black market for "good" stuff that is ordinarily hard to get? I'm not aware of a single example of a real police state where there weren't severe shortages, black market economies, etc. This is partly because most police states tend to control their economies centrally, but also because makers of top notch products don't want to to business directly in countries like these. One trip to Costco should be able to convince anyone that America is not a police state. This isn't likely to make sense to conspiracy theorists, but history shows us it's mostly true. (This will be in my debunking blog later)
[ctquote]LOL what did you do copy and paste that from your favorite propaganda site? good job!!! now remind me you wrote this to me in a few days when i actually have the time and actually give a fuck to respond to it [/ctquote]
First off, Did I curse at you? No, I just sent you a comment. You went in and cursed at me, and do you think that anything else than what you believe is propaganda? more importantly do you even QUESTION your beliefs? No. did you even research what I said researching both sides? No. you just called me out over pure facts.
[ctquote]"from briefly looking over your post, i can already say this.
you make a hell of a lot of assumptions!!! (like usual) [/ctquote]
Yes and No, My assumptions are not entirely unrooted in fact. If you look up your history (not just the history that agrees with you), you might actually learn something. Note Briefly, You did not look over my post thoroughly enough and then made the claim:" LOL what did you do copy and paste that from your favorite propaganda site? good job!!! " You did not read it thoroughly enough to see what I was actually trying to say. if you read it more carefully than you did, you might see my point.
[ctquote]like i said remind me in a few days, and i will gladly clean this mess up and prove point for point why you are wrong, [/ctquote]
Yeah, NOT going to bother... You'll just give me regurgitations of common truther theories.