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Infowars experts try to figure out plane crash into IRS building

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Feb 18, 2010 at 19:38

There's nothing like watching people who know nothing about engineering, psychology, sociology, and barely anything else for that matter, try to figure out why/how something happened and also try to reconcile it with their paranoid fantasies.

Let's watch...

A little violence:


Some legal advice:

Infowars has only the best engineers (what kind of moron thinks a more or less glass building is of the same strength as a hardened concrete building built to withstand an in-direct nuclear attack):


Predictions, next they'll add 8) Was flying a plane

Inline with the Alex Jones belief system that, "bad things never happen except when the NWO does something, otherwise the world would be a utopia":

(So far I haven't seen anyone say it was a drone or missile, but that's likely coming)

Prison Planet publishes article saying: Homeland Security Department Sees No Terror Tie in Plane Crash

But that hasn't stopped Infowarriors from believing that it was a false-flag terrorist attack, or claiming it was a terrorist attack to be used against the government, etc. So hard to reconcile faith and reason...

The great thing about being a conspiracy theorist is that anything anyone says you disagree with is disinformation and those who say it are simply disinformation agents working for some immortal cabal spending centuries working to do what people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and so forth did in only a few years -- I guess they're just really bad at it.

Another great thing that comes to mind is how you can use anything, regardless of evidence, as proof of your conspiracy. This incident is a great example. No matter how the perpetrator acted, no matter what he believed, no matter what he said, even if he had suicide notes being dropped from the sky by his air plane, or if he personally spoke to every conspiracy theorist as to why he was going to do what he did... if you're a conspiracy theorist, all you have to say is "false-flag!" and you don't need to do any more work. No research, no foot work, no searching, no reading, no learning, no thinking, just say those two little words and it automatically becomes a part of the conspiracy.

I'd love to have an infallible belief system like that.

Couldn't exist without some anti-semitism:

Same guy, different article:

Not only engineers, but mathematicians as well:

If Alex Jones and friends can't come up with decent "evidence" that it was a false-flag attack, then they'll just blame SSIs/anti-depressants.

God, I'd love to have this kind of infallibility... did I mention that already?

Comments on this blog post are closed, instead post to this forum thread: How soon until this becomes a conspiracy?

Nothing bad ever happens, if it does it's an inside job!

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Jan 30, 2010 at 11:57

One thing Alex Jones has made quite clear over the last few years is that he believes terrorism simply does not happen, only false flag attacks happen. It seems as though some of those in the conspiracy world live in a dream land where, without the NWO trying to haphazzardly introduce their one world government, nothing bad would ever happen.

Earthquakes? Inside job!
Disease? Inside job!
Famine? Inside job!
Terrorism? Inside job!
Out of toilet paper? Inside job!

No exceptions, period, ever! It's all a part of an evil plan:

And if we make predictions and are wrong, which happens all the time:

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We can't be held accountable, but why? It's because, as Alex Jones has told us before, the fact that we point out the conspiracies happening makes them change their plans, so no wonder we're always wrong about what's going to happen!

Remember, if something bad happens anywhere in the world, it's a result of an inside job, because of Alex Jones had his way, nothing bad would ever happen to anyone (who didn't deserve it according to his draconian concepts of right and wrong).

Bilderberg caught on tape!

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Jan 26, 2010 at 23:36

Thanks to Sky for this riveting insight into the secret meetings at Bilderberg!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Even Mike Myers knows the truth

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Jan 22, 2010 at 19:07

Yes, that's right folks, even Mr. Austin Powers knows the REAL truth of what's going on, and he hides it in his films, here's an example:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Seriously, you have to pay your taxes

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Dec 01, 2009 at 00:47

I've gotten several emails regarding my various articles that mention the IRS, Income Tax, and actually paying your taxes (Zeitgeist and The Obama Deception for instance). Even if you disagree with me that it's legal for them to tax you, one thing never changes:

If you don't pay your taxes, the IRS can still throw you in jail, no matter how much you defend yourself on the basis that they have no legal right to.

It's just not movie stars, rappers, and crime bosses that get arrested on tax evasion, but regular people do too. That's why companies like Tax Masters (the one with the fat guy in the commercial) even exist, because if "well, it's not constitutional!" was a real legal defense when it came to not paying income taxes, far more people would do it.

Let me hip you to a little piece of information regarding the State. The State doesn't give a damn whether or not something is legal (see COINTELPRO), it only cares whether or not it can get away with it. So, even if I'm 100% wrong on my articles regarding income tax, if you don't pay, you can get into some serious shit, and prison isn't the best place to be if you're some kind of minarchist tax hero.

To clarify things, as far as the State is concerned (and they're the ones who enforce the laws), income tax is perfectly legal and you have to pay it. And anyone who tells you that income tax goes to pay the Federal Reserve debt is wrong, and should stop listening to idiots like Ron Paul's brother Wayne Paul and Alex Jones who don't know the first damn thing about taxes or government, just what gets people fired up.

If you're in trouble with the IRS, from what I've read/heard over the years, negotiating a payment with the IRS, even if it's far lower than what you owe, sometimes gets them off your back all together. If you think "income tax is unconstitutional" is going to work, go ahead and give it a shot, I'm sure Wesley Snipes didn't consider it at all.

A related article to read is "Can you go to jail for not paying your taxes?" on, just so you're aware I'm not the only person saying this.

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