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Canadian truther fundamentalist or genius troll?

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Oct 28, 2009 at 14:11

Poe's Law states:
"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing."

Meaning that real fundamentalism is very difficult to tell apart from parodies of it. This guy almost certainly isn't a troll, because trolls tend to come up with better content to keep the troll going, instead of repeating the same stupid things.

For the sake of making things clear, I realize that most Canadians aren't this incredibly stupid, so don't worry, I still think Canada is tops.

This was taken from a discussion on our Facebook group, this guy was too crazy not to share with the rest of you. If you're a conspiracy theorist, or truther, it's probably a good idea to push away people who go crazy when talking to those who don't agree with them, as it makes you all look crazy as hell too.


So if you didn't catch that anyone who disagrees with him:

  1. Is a sheep.

  2. Must be crazy to think typing in all caps is anything but scholarly.

  3. Is a nerdy shit bag.

  4. Must be retarded to want sources for anything.

  5. Is not a real man.

  6. Has no balls.

  7. Is a stupid American.

  8. Is a girl.

  9. Is angry, despite not being angry at all, and himself raging against everyone that's typed in the thread.

  10. Is an ignorant American.

  11. Is a part of the problem; implied by saying everyone else is a part of it.

  12. Probably voted for Bush.

  13. Is an accessory to mass murder.

  14. Can suck his Canadian dick

  15. Is a useless wad of shit.

And he managed to do all of this without providing so much as an Alex Jones movie as proof of his claims, he provided nothing at all, and got very angry when asked to show evidence. Apparently it's OK for him to be mad, but he can make fun of others for "being angry" in his eyes.

I asked him four simple questions and he simply did not have the capacity to answer them. Probably because it would have required him to organize his thoughts and think for himself. It's must easier to watch a video on youtube or google video and get angry than it is to research and think about something, but rest assured, if you are the type of person to do a lot of thinking, there will always be people like Johnny to make you happy that you did.

Now that's the search for truth!

Anti-Vaccination hysteria and the danger to others

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Oct 22, 2009 at 02:05

I have a rather large article about vaccinations coming up, but it's taking time to research it all and make sure I cover everything. I constantly run across articles, books, and so forth that discuss countless cases where preventable diseases cause the death of children and others because of people who listen to Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and Jenny McCarthy, rather than their know-it-all doctors.

Here's an interesting article from slate:

Take the time to read it, especially if you're on the fence about vaccinations. This paragraph really caught my attention:

In 2008 in San Diego, a 7-year-old boy whose parents refused vaccines contracted measles while on a family trip to Switzerland. Before realizing how sick he was, the boy went to school and infected four other kids at school, after having already infected his two siblings. He then infected four other children who happened to be in the waiting room at his pediatrician's office. Three of those children were too young to have received their MMR vaccines. One of those infants was hospitalized; another traveled on an airplane while infectious. This case is a sobering example of how one family's decision not to vaccinate their children has serious consequences for other children.

I constantly see people saying it's "their right" to go unvaccinated, while that's true, most of the people who type such erronously stupid statements were vaccinated as children themselves, in fact it's an almost certainy, I'd take odds like that in Vegas anyday. What they fail to realize is their ability to survive childhood was a result of vaccines. Of course I've seen people say that "medical advancements, but not vaccines, improved child life expantacy". I think my eye balls are going to fall out of their sockets from rolling so much.

Further, when it comes to highly successful vaccines like polio and small pox, I once saw a guy on a forum say that "at least 1,000 people died from the small pox vaccine during the program to wipe it out." I can't help but take a step back and wonder how little these people know about diseases like small pox. Small pox, a disease with a mortality rate of at least 30%, would have killed many more millions of people had it not been wiped out. There's a risk with any medical treatment, but the idea that costing millions of lives at the risk of a thousand for the permanent end to the small pox epidemic is fucking insane and asinine beyond belief.

Anyway, I have the vaccination article coming out sometime, and as soon as I get a hold of Alex Jones new movie Fall of the Republic I'll watch it and likely do a review of it assuming it's full of inaccuracies, but that remains to be seen.

On a side note, the reason I haven't had daily blog posts lately is because I've run out of daily things to talk about. By the way, check out our forums which are now in beta.

Swine Flu Update, Oct 2009

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Oct 14, 2009 at 00:09

Thanks to Terence for this:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="340" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value=";amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="340" src=";hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Prediction updates for October

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Oct 07, 2009 at 05:45

Well the prediction of total economic collapse in August or September failed to happen - no real surprise there.

However! Webbot is predicting something happening between now and October 25th or afterwards, all the way until December 10th, which is fairly broad, but everyone's focusing on October 25th, so I mark that as a new prediction.

Will something happen? Probably not, but we'll see...

QOTD, Facebook:


Anti-Semite Comedy Goldmine

Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Sep 28, 2009 at 02:14

I just received a rather hilariously screwed up message on Facebook that I thought needed to be shared.


At first I wasn't sure what to say, so I settled with this:


So far she hasn't responded yet, but I think my reply was fairly clear.

The idea it would even matter that I'm Jewish shows an underlying anti-Semitism, it'd be like claiming you're not racist but constantly pointing out black people.

I can only laugh with an underlying nauseated feeling about this kind of absolutely retarded bullshit.

I'm not Jewish and I don't have anyone in my family tree which stretches back to prior when the Winston name was adopted for family use. The idea that the word for "stone" appearing in my name means I have Jewish ancestry would mean that anyone with "berg", "stein", "baum", or "witz" at the end of their name must have Jewish ancestry and completely ignores the fact that Norman, English, and Germanic names in general predate Judaism in Europe.

What's say the first person, 350 years ago, to use Winston in my family was Jewish, that would mean 17 generations ago I had "Jewish ancestry", and even the Nazis themselves required a family tree going back to 1750 join the SS, and I would have easily qualified - not that I'd join.

I see people like this on the JREF Forums a lot, basically the kind who say they're skeptical about the holocaust, or skeptical about the "official 9/11 story", and in reality they're anti-Semitic and/or conspiracy theorists.

I decided to block this person on Facebook, I don't feel like exchanging messages with such a complete shit bag of a human being.

It's weird, it both makes me laugh and makes me sick.

I get asked the .gov and bible question a lot, it's in my FAQ, I guess this dipshit really didn't read anything on my site other than my About page where I mention I'm not Jewish.

Alex Jones has a lot of people getting on his ass for being married to a woman with Jewish ancestry, and I guess it goes to show that when you can't defend your conspiracy theories or theories in general, you can just break down and accuse those you don't like of being Jewish or bring up their family members. For the record, my wife isn't Jewish either, her ancestry is French.

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