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Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Aug 29, 2009 at 05:11
Just like the Zeitgeist Movement, the Alex Jones movement - or whatever they refer to themselves as - is just about as useless when it comes to actually doing anything, ever.
As I explained at the end of
Zeitgeist: Addendum, the base platform of the entire movement is nothing but self-serving garbage and emotional masturbation.
The Alex Jones movement isn't that much different the video below is testament to that:
<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
In this video we see young men wasting their time to impress Alex Jones enough so maybe they can win $1,000. I'm not against winning money, obviously, but I'd bet Ameros to doughnuts they don't spend nearly as much time helping their communities - in fact I'd bet more that they
never help their communities.
Of course, Alex Jones tells them that spreading the world helps people. Does it really?
Nobody gives a damn about stupid theories that the Federal Reserve is run by a secret cabal of Freemasons that meet anually at the Bohemian Grove to burn children.
They care that their gas costs a lot, that they have to worry about everything in their lives, that everything revolves around money.
Are my kids getting a good education?
Are they going to get gunned down at school?
Is my car going to break down?
Why is public transportation so crappy?
What if I get sick? What if my kids get sick? We can't pay for it.
I can't live on $7.50 per hour.
So on and so on.
Even if you somehow convince them that going back to the gold standard and getting rid of the federal government will cure all their ills and America will return to the heroic, capitalist utopia it never was - is still doesn't solve any of those problems above. Ever.
It also doesn't help to have some 16 year old kid telling you that you're sheeple because you've got more things to worry about than the Federal Reserve or who's farting in the UN right now.
I volunteer a lot, and when you actually help people, they'll actually listen. Jamming something down their throats and then calling them stupid if they don't believe you is one of the worst ways to gain a follower.
Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Nov 05, 2008 at 04:29
For the last few months I have seen a lot of people talking on various forums. They kept saying how McCain was going to "steal the election" -- that is to say, "they" (the illuminati or whomever) would have McCain elected to further their agenda. Well, where's the conspiracy?
I'm waiting for an answer -- or is this just another way for them to REALLY trick us?
Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Aug 28, 2008 at 01:22
There is an interesting video about the attacks 9/11 at Youtube, and attempts to use "witnesses" and the like to prove bombs were planted.
Here it is
When watching this video you should count how many times someone says they heard another person say something about bombs. And how many times people say they heard an explosion, but don't mention anything about a bomb.
Basically, it comes down to this. Nearly all of the quotes in this video are taken out of context, implying they're talking about bombs, when they aren't. If they are talking about bombs, it's nearly always from a third party, and typically that person is never directly mentioned.
Simple fact: news casters are not structural engineers and just because they hear someone say something, does not make it fact when they repeat it.
And an important fact to mention, which they didn't, was that all the buildings had gas tanks for electric generators, in case of power failure. Naturally when those things catch on fire, they explode as well, and create a loud bang.
In the end, "I heard that..." isn't considered evidence of anything, much less science or fact. Just in the same way if someone said "I heard that someone saw a UFO", doesn't really make it true or science.
This video is not science and wouldn't hold up in court as evidence. Sorry, it's bullshot.
Author: Edward L Winston
Date: Jul 31, 2008 at 01:19
I think we can all agree that when it comes to conspiracy theorists, arrogance is not in short supply. That is, today someone showed me the Zeitgeist, the Movie group on Facebook where people talk about how much they believe the movie, and how anyone who disagrees with them is a part of the conspiracy... or just stupid.
The first wall post I saw made me laugh, mostly because it was about me! Here it is:
What makes me laugh is, if the American dollar is not the world's most solid currency, then what is? Why can I go to nearly any country in the world and the US dollar is treated as "hard currency", while local money has far less value? I don't see people using the Peso or the Ruble when going to other countries.
And, I didn't go to a community college, though the Canadians love to talk about how uneducated Americans are. I went to a place called a "University", which is not unlike a community college, in that it's a place where you learn and help build your future. Maybe he can figure out what that is after he gets back to me on what other currencies can be used anywhere in the world.
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