These are contributor submitted links full of countless pieces of information.
- 2012 Hoax
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- Category: Science
- Tags: 2012 [ Add Tags ]
- A site devoted to debunking 2012 doomsday woo.
- 911 myths
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: 9/11 conspiracy [ Add Tags ]
- One of the best 9/11 conspiracy debunking resources
- Alex Jones Sucks
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Alex Jones [ Add Tags ]
- A fairly new blog against Alex Jones that details him and his misinformation. Similar to, but not as extensive as Leaving Alex Jonestown.
- Among the Truthers
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Jonathan Kay [ Add Tags ]
- A blog devoted to the analysis of conspiracy theories and the people who believe them.
It is run by Jonathan Kay author of:
Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America's Growing Conspiracist Underground
About his book:
These "9/11 Truthers" are not alone. They are part of a vast conspiracist subculture that is spreading like wildfire and beginning to influence mainstream politics. For two years, Canadian journalist Jonathan Kay has been researching the underground world of conspiracy theorists by immersing himself in their ranks. He has attended their conventions, infiltrated their Internet discussion boards, become a connoisseur of their propaganda videos, and engaged them in in-depth, revealing interviews. While many individual conspiracy theories seem harmless, even amusing, the phenomenon is doing real damage to the unity and health of North American society. - Bad Astronomy
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- Category: Science
- Tags: Astronomy, Bad Science [ Add Tags ]
- This is the site that actually inspired Edward L Winston to create this one. It discusses a wide variety of topics relating to astronomy and has great movie reviews.
- Conspiracies R Not Us
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: 9/11, NWO, Illuminati [ Add Tags ]
- Official blog run by the creators of the Facebook group "9/11 Conspiracy Theories are BS." Updated a few times a month. Although 9/11 is the subject discussed most often, there are also numerous posts on other conspiracy-related topics. The archives are particularly useful, for example, there is a series of posts from 2007 containing a point-by-point debunking of the notorious anti-Semitic conspiracy film "Ring of Power." Also some hilarious email exchanges with irate conspiracy theorists. Extremely sardonic in tone.
- Contrail Science
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: chemtrails [ Add Tags ]
- A site that thoroughly debunks chemtrail conspiracy theories.
- Cosmic Variance
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: science, physics [ Add Tags ]
- A blog run by several scientists that discuss what's new in cosmology and physics.
- Debunkatron
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: science, health, 9/11, global warming denial, Holocaust denial, moon landing, anti-vaxx, creationism, ghosts, OBE, UFOs, critical thinking, logic [ Add Tags ]
- This is pretty much a one-stop shop for most debunking needs. Massive links database to virtually every woo subject under the sun.
- Document Cloud
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- Category: Politics
- Tags: primary sources, references, sites that don't work in Russia [ Add Tags ]
- A fantastic website for checking source documents and original language for many major news sources. This includes government documents, public reports, and testimonial hearings.
- False Zeitgeist
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Zeitgeist [ Add Tags ]
- A web site with a collection of videos and links related to debunking Zeitgeist.
- Icke Exposed
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: David Icke [ Add Tags ]
- This U.K. based web site deals with the insane fantasy world of David Icke.
- InFact Video
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: InFact, Brian Dunning [ Add Tags ]
- Brian Dunning's InFact video series. They're basically condensed versions of some of his episodes of Skeptoid.
- Is that a FEMA Camp?
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Fema Camp, NWO, Fema Debunked, NWO Debunked, The Locke [ Add Tags ]
- A website that is dedicated to debunk all of the areas and theories surrounding Fema Camps, that would contribute to the New World Order (at least that's what they say) The articles are written by The Locke, a debunker who also runs other debunking websites such as The Soap Box, Conspiracy Satire and Skeptic Wars.
- James Randi Educational Foundation
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: James Randi [ Add Tags ]
- Lots of resources and a big forum, a $1 million challenge for the paranormal and pseudoscience, all kinds of great stuff for skeptics!
- Jenny McCarthy Body Count
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- Category: Health
- Tags: vaccines, health woo [ Add Tags ]
- A ticker of the number of deaths and illnesses due to vaccine-preventable diseases thanks to anti-vaccine activism from people like Jenny McCarthy. Links at the top break the total down by week, and there's also other vaccine related information.
- Leaving Alex Jonestown
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson [ Add Tags ]
- An awesome blog detailing far more about Alex Jones than we have.
- Mark Roberts WTC Lies
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: 9/11 conspiracy, comprehensive, virtually infallible, Obi Wan Kenobi of debunkers [ Add Tags ]
- A 9/11 debunking site loaded with links to primary sources, videos and articles. The truth movement's nightmare.
- Masonic Info
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Freemason [ Add Tags ]
- Web site that explains what Freemasonry is about and debunks many of the widely spread myths and conspiracy theories that have been around since the 19th Century.
- Neurologica Blog
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- Category: Science
- Tags: skepticism, science [ Add Tags ]
- Steve Novella's science and skepticism blog.
- PubMed
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- Category: Health
- Tags: primary sources, health [ Add Tags ]
- A site to search for medical research papers and information about medical conditions.
- Quackwatch
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- Category: Health
- Tags: Health, alternative medicine [ Add Tags ]
- Dr. Stephen Barrett's comprehensive site on alternative medicine and other forms of health fraud.
- RationalWiki
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: RationalWiki, skepticism [ Add Tags ]
- A wiki on skepticism. Includes many snarky but informative articles on topics of skeptical interest, including health and alternative medicine, the paranormal, prominent people in the skeptical movement, and conspiracy theories. RationalWiki also includes 'What is going on in the blog/clogosphere', where users can posts links to articles from reliable and fringe sources to be voted up or down. There's also a special 'What is going on' for Conservapedia, a fringe right wiki. There's also a news section.
- Science Based Medicine
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- Category: Health
- Tags: health [ Add Tags ]
- A blog about medicine, co-authored by several doctors including Steven Novella and Mark Crislip. It covers scientific treatments, and also debunks alternative medicine and health fraud.
- Screw Loose Change
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: 9/11 [ Add Tags ]
- The single best debunking blog on 9/11 and the 9/11 "Truth" movement, six years running. The blog is not limited to debunking the "Loose Change" films, but deals with all aspects of 9/11 denial. Also contains very useful links including a user's guide to the "Loose Change" film that debunks it literally line by line. Check out their links to affiliated blogs as well.
- Skeptic Blog
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- Category: Science
- Tags: Brian Dunning, Michael Shermer, Steven Novella, Danial Loxton, Phil Plait [ Add Tags ]
- A blog co-authored by several prominent skeptics, including Brian Dunning, Michael Shermer, Steven Novella, Phil Plait and others. Generally they write on science topics, but they do sometimes write on other topics of skeptical interest.
- Skeptoid
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: Brian Dunning, Podcasts [ Add Tags ]
- A weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture.
- Snopes
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: conspiracies, debunking, skepticism, urban legends [ Add Tags ]
- An awesome website that critically examines all manner of topics, often popular urban legends, ranging from conspiracies to health to general misconceptions.
- Stop Sylvia Browne
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- Category: Paranormal
- Tags: Psychics, Sylvia Browne [ Add Tags ]
- A web site that calls out and debunks psychic and new age guru Sylvia Browne.
- Swallowing the Camel
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- Category: Conspiracies
- Tags: Conspiracy Theories Paranormal [ Add Tags ]
- S.M. Elliott's (Leaving Alex Jonestown) other Blog.
"Examining hoaxes, scams, controversies, rumours, schemes, bizarre ideas, bogus products, disinformation, misinformation, impractical jokes, literary fraud, and anything else that smells bad." - TalkOrigins Archive
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- Category: Science
- Tags: evolution, creationism [ Add Tags ]
- Best source on the web for information on evolution and the evolution vs. creationism debacle.
- The Kennedy Assassination (McAdams)
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: JFK conspiracy [ Add Tags ]
- A site created by political science professor John Mcadams that debunks nearly every JFK conspiracy claim.
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: woo [ Add Tags ]
- A great site with entries organized by category and alphabet. Topics include just about everything of interest to skeptics...conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, the paranormal and more!
- The Vaccine Times
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- Category: Health
- Tags: vaccines [ Add Tags ]
- A great site about vaccines. It includes information on vaccines, recent news, and also tracks the activities of the anti-vaccine crowd.
- What's the Harm?
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- Category: All Categories
- Tags: woo, conspiracy theories, the paranormal, pseudoscience, alternative medicine [ Add Tags ]
- Think believing in conspiracy theories, the paranormal, pseudoscience, alternative medicine and other forms of woo is harmless? Think again. This site contains numerous stories of people who were harmed by believing in some form of woo.