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Hate Mail - But do you know anything about ecinomics?

Sender: Joseph Lowes <>
Subject: But do you know anything about ecinomics?
Type: Regular
Added: Feb 07, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

If so from where? Thank you for your censership Nazi. Your Foram sucked anyway.

[ I banned him from my forums because he made about 160 posts of nothing but calling others idiots and claiming nobody ever addressed his claims. That is, when he wasn't saying "I won!" It got really obnoxious, really fast. ]

I learned from college, from reading, many places, but not from conspiracy sites interestingly enough. Governments censor, private businesses and organizations don't censor, they're allowed to do whatever the hell they please. For the love of god, turn on spell check, you look like an idiot.

In the end, why do you care? You said in your last email that I'm worthless and nobody cares about me, but you seem to be going out of your way to prove you at least want to know what my opinion is.

Get a clue; that makes you look like an idiot. P.S. Being on a radio show that a porn star was on does not give any crediblity.

That sure put me in my place!

[ I'm not sure what the hell he's talking about with the radio show thing, it may be the Infidel Guy Show, but I've never said, claimed, etc that it gave me any credibility. When's the last time I've ever mentioned it? ]

What ever bye!

[ *shrugs* ]