Skeptic Project

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Hate Mail - I can't understand you.

Sender: Joseph Lowes <>
Subject: I can't understand you.
Type: Regular
Added: Feb 12, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

O.K. I have given you the name of two academics; Peter Dale Scott and Carroll Quigley who supports the idea of a vast Conspiracy. I can not understand why you just dismiss it without any thought. I just don't get you. Plus I take it even if I would have at you in a resectful manner you and that ass hole Matt would of still attacked me.

Suppose I gave you two people who support a big conspiracy I believe in, say that the earth is flat and various government agencies like NASA were actually created to funnel money into fake space programs to actually go into the pockets of big businessmen. The evidence provided by, not just these two people, but everyone else who supports my theory, doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. Then I ask you to look into them anyway, just to be sure that the Earth really isn't flat, but you still stand by your belief that the Earth is round. Would I be right to say "I can't understand you."?

Look, Peter Dale Scott is 50 years out of the business of politics. You haven't even read his work, so don't give me shit for not reading it either and not believing you. You don't need to read his work because you already do believe in the vast conspiracy, I don't.

Carroll Quigley we already discussed, I have read his work, he doesn't cite sources, and I don't take his word for it, end of story.

What else more can I say? You believe in the big conspiracy no matter what evidence exists to the contrary, but I need tangible evidence, I cannot simply believe it and then look for people to prove it. You [haven't] read Quigley or Scott, so you criticizing me for it is silly.

And it's not true, you can find plenty of respectful people on the forums, but especially the facebook group who disagree with me and I talk to. The problem is conspiracy theorists aren't willing to bring forth evidence, or explain things, just call people sheeple, idiots, etc.

If you really believe the economy is going to collapse by December 2010, the DOW will hit zero, and the NWO is coming, why in the mickey mouse fuck are you wasting your time emailing me? Shouldn't you be preparing if you really believe it? Shouldn't you be joining a militia to fight back? That's what *I* don't understand about you.

If you truly believe in the coming NWO this year, stop wasting your time with me and fight back or help protect your family. That's what I'd do if I believed it was coming, I wouldn't waste my time with loudmouths on the Internet.

O.K. your right; so forget you. You need not reply.