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Hate Mail - Does not compute

Sender: Joseph Lowes <>
Subject: Does not compute
Type: Regular
Added: Feb 19, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

Joe Stack flees plane into building. Plane blows up when it hits the building. The Building is still standing. Debunker logic: Joe Stack flies plane into building. Plane blows up when it hits the building. The building should of collapsed into it's own footprint like on 9/11.
Don't reply I don't want to hear your babbling!!!!

Conspiracy theorist logic: over simplify everything, 737 and single engine airplane are the same size, fly at the same speed, carry the same fuel load, actually believe WTC 1 and 2 fell into their own foot prints. Yes, I've seen what you've said all over infowars and everywhere else, it's a way for conspiracy theorists to feel smart, but it's fucking retarded.

If you don't want me to reply, don't email me.

By the way, you still haven't pointed out where I say that Charles Darwin wasn't influenced by Malthus. I know you can't point it out, and I also know you won't try to prove your "single engine air plane = 737" logic either, you'll just skip to another subject, once again proving me right -- you're really good at proving me right, you know.

What do you have next, wonder boy?

What does the size of the plane have do with anything!!!! Plus it does not matter what the size of the plane is; it would not cause a collapse!!!
P.S. Alex Jones found out that the FBI know it was going to happen!!!

Uh yeah, it does matter the size of the plane. Only a conspiracy theorist would think it didn't matter. It'd be like expecting the damage from a Mark 82 bomb to be the same as a nuclear bomb, and then saying "the size of the bomb doesn't matter!" It's idiocy, pure and simple.

I'm sure Alex Jones found proof, I'm sure he provided it too. Let me guess, he says he heard from someone or has it, but he didn't actually directly provide it to you?

See for yourself!!!!

Yep, exactly what I thought.

What do you mean by that? You did not even watch the video; did you!!! Turd

Yes, I did, Alex Jones goes on and on about some stupid shit from Christmas and the FBI, then talks about two "witnesses" who are unnamed, unquoted, unsubstantiated. Since this is in his home town, how am I to know he didn't just have his buddies be these witnesses? You know I've read a lot from witnesses of UFO sightings who said they met the blond, blue eyed pilots who were from Jupiter. Man, I guess it must be true since they said it! Nice logic, dingus.

Still waiting on that proof that I said "Charles Darwin wasn't influenced by Malthus" and the evidence that a single engine plane would do the same damage as a 737.

[ See related email ]

Since you did not listen to the whole interview.

Again, a "trusted source" to Alex Jones is a liar to me. You call me a retard, yet you blindly believe Alex Jones, hook, line, and sinker. Why waste your time with this? I thought you were preparing for the end of the world by December this year?

By the way, I know you, like Alex Jones, like to make claims without evidence, but I'm still waiting on that proof I asked for. Still waiting...

So you did not listian to I take it! Well here is a smoking gun.

A firetruck, across the street, oh my god. Well, I'm convinced of the vast conspiracy, secret, trusted witnesses, depopulation, all of it. Why? because some girl said she saw firetruck BEFORE the plane hit. Did anyone else say it? No, just her! How interesting! Man, this is just as good as actual proof!

Say, wasn't there a woman who said she saw troops blowing up the levees, man that's absolute proof too!

Hey, there's also a woman who said George H W Bush has a massive underground sex prison where they capture and rape children!

Look at me, I'm Joseph, I believe everything people tell me!

I believe young girls who suspiciously know a lot of aerospace terms and just happened to want to bring up HAZMAT and firetrucks, man I bet a lot of girls know things like that when they see them.

Yes, it's normal for HAZMAT to be at fires.

Say, wait a second. There was a fire station right across the street from the world trade center. Holy fucking shit, it really was an inside job! Oh my god! This is unbelievable! Irrefutable!

Still waiting on proof of what you claim I said by the way, and proof that a small plane makes the same damage as a 737.

Damned you are sure closed minded. Bye.

Damned, you still haven't provided any evidence what so ever. Bye.

Gather 'round, gather 'round, watch as the amazing Joseph Lowes provides no evidence of his claims and refuses to acknowledge things he was wrong about previously! Watch as he jumped from topic to topic to avoid debate! What topic will he bring up next?! It's anyone's guess! It's the 8th wonder of the world! It's almost magical!