Skeptic Project

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Hate Mail - Vary funny Eddy.

Sender: Joseph Lowes <>
Subject: Vary funny Eddy.
Type: Regular
Added: Mar 11, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

Ha, Ha Ha. Vary funny Eddy. You let that idiot Matt attack repetily me and when I get tired of that idiot and start attacking back I am the one who gets kicked off. While I am going to sue your ass. Mother fucker!!!! Why didn't didn't you kick Matt of you stupid kike? Well fuck yourself you fucken ass hole and I know that you didn't read those documents retard; so you can go to hell. I hope you and your whole family gets cancer; you are perablly Bill Gate himself.

[ He was spamming the forums with shit like this, which is why he was banned -- for a second time. ]