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Hate Mail - (channel comment)

Sender: TimedEnd <>
Subject: (channel comment)
Type: Regular
Added: Jul 30, 2010
Sent to: Edward L Winston

At the end of the day, you are totally correct sir!
Wow, it must be so awesome to understand this complex world with such stunning clarity!
Keep spreading the truth brother! The government/ banks/ corporations/corporate media and the gang are our friends, and are out there to help us, to keep us free and happy!
Thanks for your inspiration! Thanks for freeing so many minds into believing in this wonderful system of things where we all live in such peace and unity.
Thanks bro. Sorry to gush all over you here, I just can't believe I can talk to such an important person such as yourself. You have changed my life and so many others with your words of wisdom. Freeing us to see that the big media has told us all the real truth on how big conglomerates and big government, the ministry of love, are all out there looking out for us.
You would do Eric Arthur Blair proud.
Peace out, and keep up the amazing work!

TimedEnd, you're a moron if you believe I support this system or think it's great, I say countless times that I don't think it's all peace and love or whatever. Interesting how you project that anyone who disagrees with you has to be completely in love with the system at hand, you're delusional as hell. I'm literally in awe at the stupidity you've demonstrated on my channel comments.